Sid Meier’s Civilization III download the new version for mac
Sid Meier’s Civilization III  download the new version for mac

I listen to books in the car, but this one I had to take out of my collection because it was putting me to sleep, or driving me nuts with the terrible pronunciations, and inability to follow punctuation. Bear in mind, I loved the ideas in the book, and I have a print version that I reference now and then, but I can't believe how bad the narration was. There's no excuse for selling something that bad. I will studiously avoid purchasing any book he narrates in the future. Regrettably, the actual narrator (Grover Gardner)was unable to pronounce many words (DOS is not pronounced "dose"), and the stilted delivery he gave was as enthusiastic as Ben Stein's character in Ferris Beuller's Day Off, only worse. If someone like Kotter Smith (The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind) had read it, there would have been a chance for this book in audio format. It is understandable that a narrator might have some difficulty translating this into audio. The print book, Blue Ocean Strategy is intriguing, but highly data-driven, which is very hard to translate into narrative. My suggestion is to read a summary of Blue Ocean and move on to another book. The reason Apple was successful was not because of the blue ocean but because of other aspects of its strategy and its execution. Apple went into that ocean, and competed directly with Commodore, in the same ocean, and won. Commodore had a multitasking, full color, multimedia, computer with advanced graphics many years before the Mac had any of these capabilities. Commodore was a very successful company for many years, ahead of Apple in technology and innovations. Let's look at an obvious one: Apple was not the first company to offer a personal computer with integrated monitor and keyboard. Many of the examples, fundamental to the core idea of the book, are not historically accurate.

Sid Meier’s Civilization III download the new version for mac

I expected more depth, more actionable steps and better examples. As a student of business, marketing and strategy I had high expectations for this book. Jack Trout has been writing about differentiation, guerrilla nd flanking strategies for decades, I found his books to be more complete and useful. Important for every business, but it is not new.

Sid Meier’s Civilization III download the new version for mac

The fundamental concept of blue ocean strategy is a great one.

Sid Meier’s Civilization III  download the new version for mac